Jakarta, Jan 22 (IANS) A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Saturday, with no preliminary report on damage or casualty, the weather agency said.
The tremor also did not trigger giant waves of tsunami, Xinhua news quoted the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency as saying.
The quake took place at 9.26 a.m., with the epicentre at 39 km southeast of Melonguane town in Talaud district and the shallow of 12 km under the seabed, the Aency said.
Head of the Disaster Management and Mitigation Agency of Talaud district Jabes Linda told Xinhua via phone that the tremors were strongly felt in the district.
"The jolts were felt strongly here, but did not trigger panics among the residents. So far, we have not got reports on damaged houses or those wounded or killed," he said.
"But I have ordered officials of the disaster agency to check the risks of the jolts in every sub-districts. The efforts are underway," Jabes said.
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