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Today In Indian History - Historical Events of India

DateEvent Name
07/26/1614 Jahangir captured Mewar from Rana Amar Singh. A treaty was signed. In the Mughal court, Rana and his son were treated with exceptional courtesy.
07/26/1844 Gooroodas Banerjee was born in Calcutta. He was a Judge of Calcutta High Court.
07/26/1874 Rajarshi Shahu Chhatrapati, great revolutionary freedom fighter and social reformer, was born.
07/26/1891 Rajendralal Mitra (Raja), famous Bengali ancient researcher, passed away.
07/26/1910 Unrest flares up in the Deccan region of India. Demand grows for self-determination.
07/26/1922 Girilal Jain, famous journalist and editor, was born.
07/26/1923 Mukeshchandra Mathur, famous playback singer, was born.
07/26/1927 Gulabrai Sipahahimalani Ramchand, cricketer (valuable all-rounder in 33 Tests for India), was born in Karachi.
07/26/1933 Gandhiji went back to Sabarmati Ashram after his release from jail.
07/26/1956 Godavarish Mishra, famous Oriya poet, playwright and essay writer, died.
07/26/1975 Anti-government demonstrations held in Gujarat, defying the emergency law prohibiting such demonstrations.
07/26/1991 Indian, UN Observer Mission in El Salvador joined (ONUSAL from Jul 1991 To Apr 1995).
07/26/1991 Tamil Nadu and Karnataka observe bandh over Cauvery water issue.
07/26/1993 Swami Chinmayananda is named 1992 Hindu of the Year for a lifetime of dynamic service to Sanatana Dharma worldwide. He attained 'mahasamadhi' on July 26 at age 77.
07/26/1994 Government rejects JPC report on securities scandal.
07/26/2000 The Centre imposes a ban on employing children belowing 14 years as domestic servants by all Government employees in the All India services at the insistence of the NHRC.


Other Historical Dates and Events
09/29/1999Jaswant Singh, External Affairs Minister, meet his Pakistani counterpart Sartaj Aziz meet at the SAARC ministerial meeting.
09/01/1915Rajindersingh Bedi, Urdu story writer and Hindi film story writer, was born.
10/14/1996Sukh Ram granted bail.
07/08/1985Sri Lanka Peace talks open in Thimphu.
07/28/1921Congress decided to boycott the visit of Prince of Wales in India.
09/13/1984Swami Brahmanand died. He established Brahmanand Inter College (1938), Brahmanand Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya (1943) and Brahmanand Mahavidyalaya (1960). He joined the freedom movement and participated in Salt Satyagraha, Non Cooperation Movement and Quit India Movement.
03/23/1351Firuz Shah Tughluq(1351-88), nephew of Muhammad Tughluq, succeded as emperor of Delhi.
01/22/1989Madhya Pradesh CM Arjun Singh resigns on Churhat lottery case grounds.
11/17/1966India's beauty queen Rita Faria was crowned as 'Miss World' in World Beauty contest held in London. She was a medical student.
07/25/1987Ramaswamy Venkataraman became the eighth President of India. He held this office till July 25, 1992.